with new website search

Mindbreeze InSite is extremely easy to implement. By adding a javacode snippet to your website, InSite becomes fully functional in just a few days, providing an exceptionally fast return on investment. It constantly updates its database, ensuring that content can be found whether it was created five minutes ago or five years ago. No software or maintenance is necessary. Run from high performance cloud servers there is no strain on your website and no long installation process.

This is enabled by the Information Pairing technology developed by Mindbreeze. Based on search results, information from different areas is optimally linked and displayed as a newsflash, for example. These newsflashes are then updated automatically. The results are displayed directly on the website and not as search results as with conventional search queries. Visitors do not even realise that they are viewing search results. Mindbreeze InSite therefore offers any company the opportunity to turn one or multiple independent websites into a high quality information portal for their website visitors.

“We’re delighted that has integrated our cloud service and that it has been very positively received by their readers. Visitors can quickly find the specific information that they are looking for, without any extra effort from the editing team.” – Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Fallmann, Founder and Managing Director of Mindbreeze.

Mindbreeze InSite

offers any company the opportunity to create a high quality information portal out of one or multiple independent websites. It is easy to integrate since only the pre-defined embed code for the search field and for the creation of the index needs to be integrated. New content is automatically added to the index and is instantly available as a search result. Semantic search queries and relevance models deliver “intelligent” results. Preview thumbnails visualise the results and ensure a quick overview. The search is designed as a cloud service and is ready-for-use within a few minutes without the need for installation or configuration. Reporting is available for website operators, which provides information about the number of search queries and the search terms entered. A free test version is available under:

About Monitor 

Monitor with the news portal is Austria’s directory for small and medium-sized companies as well as a source of advice and information for businessmen and women who want to advance their business with the efficient and effective implementation of modern IT technology.