Mindbreeze offers complete flexibility in the preparation of information
Chicago, December 4, 2020 - Mindbreeze, a leading provider of appliances and cloud services in the field of Information Insight, gives customers the freedom of choice (on-premises, cloud) in the preparation and provision of information.
Organizations have many different data sources in use - from on-premises to SaaS environments to cloud services. To enable high-quality information processing, many providers advise their customers to move all data to the cloud (cloud-only). This is a requirement that is often not easy or can only be implemented with a great deal of effort, especially in areas where highly sensitive information or highly customized specialist applications are available. With the result that these areas can increasingly not be integrated into central knowledge management if the data is not allowed to leave their own data center.
Hybrid Deployment
Mindbreeze offers a complete hybrid approach, resolving critical dependencies by making all the capabilities of Mindbreeze InSpire available both on-premise and in the cloud. Mindbreeze InSpire processes data from cloud applications such as Salesforce, ServiceNow, Office 365, etc. in the cloud and from customers' on-premise applications with appliances in their data centers. The data always remains where it is, in the customer's data center or in the cloud and joins up to a unified experience for the customer and its end users.
Further information about Hybrid Deployment
"Mindbreeze makes implementation simple, without compromise," Mike Gualtieri wrote in The Forrester Wave™ Cognitive Search, Q2 2019 report, which analyzed a dozen vendors in this category. "Mindbreeze InSpire is the only cognitive search solution in this evaluation that offers an appliance for on-premises and SaaS for cloud deployment…. Mindbreeze InSpire is a natural fit for enterprise customers that wish for the simplicity of a cognitive search solution bundled in a hardware appliance, especially where a cloud implementation is not desired."