Mindbreeze and MEDIALIFE Launch Strategic Partnership
Mindbreeze and MEDIALIFE Launch Strategic Partnership
Using synergy to perfect effective search and analytics
Linz, 21 March 2016 – MEDIALIFE and Mindbreeze begin their strategic partnership and jointly distribute a big data search appliance for clients with high enterprise search demands on the Slovak and Czech Republic market. MEDIALIFE has many years of experience with implementation of DMS (Document Management Systems) and ECM (Enterprise Content Management) systems, especially designed for the Slovak market. The use of different approaches and solutions as well as the specialization in the area of semantic search opens the door to achieving interesting synergy effects.
“Based on this partnership, we provide our customers innovative solutions for fast access to corporate data, filtering of relevant information, data extraction and their use in automated sorting (classification). The top priority for the past decade in Slovakia has been to build large systems for managing, processing and storing documents (e.g. DMS, ECM and CMS) and data archives in the private and public sectors (e-Government and digitization)”, explains Michal Podroužek, CEO of MEDIALIFE.
Powerful enterprise search systems for businesses must recognize relationships among different types of information and be able to link them accordingly. Mindbreeze InSpire Appliance is easy to use, has a high scalability and shows the user only the information which he or she is authorized to view. By partnering with Mindbreeze, MEDIALIFE can offer a professional big data and enterprise search appliance to its customers.
"We are always looking for partners who specialize in our Mindbreeze products, but the right partner selection is of utmost importance to us, because it is this clear focus, along with real expertise, which will inspire the customer. Partnering with MEDIALIFE opens the door for us to supply the Slovak and Czech Republic market and to introduce Mindbreeze InSpire to a whole new group of customers. With MEDIALIFE we have gained a highly professional partner with whom we are already celebrating great success." completes Daniel Fallmann, founder and CEO of Mindbreeze.
Mindbreeze is building a selective and growing international network of partners. Mindbreeze has partners in Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Benelux, Mexico, USA, Canada, Indonesia and now in Slovakia and Czech Republic, among other locations.