Independent Report Certifies Accessibility for Mindbreeze InSpire

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Enterprise search solution company rated as “very accessible”

Munich/Linz, November 26th, 2015 – The growing importance of accessibility for software solutions prompted Mindbreeze to commission the Pfennigparade Center for Accessibility on the Internet (, an independent testing laboratory, to assess Mindbreeze’s enterprise search and big data software solutions according to BITV 2.0*.


"I am impressed by the commitment and scope of the measures Mindbreeze has taken in this issue,” says Joseph Plötz from Pfennigparade’s OpenWebServices of the test results. “The application’s high quality standards, which led to these excellent assessment results, are remarkable”.


This high standard of quality is also due to the early involvement of another consultant from Pfennigparade, Mr. Thomas Ernst, who independently served as advisor to the Mindbreeze engineering team in the software development phase.


Mindbreeze InSpire is the first enterprise search and big data solution to be evaluated by Pfennigparade. The standard recognized benchmark for the evaluation of Internet offerings is the BITV-Test, which was supplemented by a usability test to cover the full range of test criteria. Mindbreeze InSpire (search appliance) received a total BITV test score of 98.75 points. The component was given a rating of “very accessible”.


The committed efforts of Mindbreeze in this field dramatically facilitate information provision and the integration of people with special needs in day-to-day work. The application operates intuitively and the user immediately receives the desired information in a clearly presented manner.


"We want our efforts to make a clear statement. Accessibility as an application capability is a must-have, not a nice-to-have, in the age of digital transformation. Enterprise search applications in particular are being called upon to sustainably bridge the corporate digital divide. We are pleased with the excellent results, as our product development team has placed great importance for many years on the accessibility of user interface elements and their interaction. We employ recognized experts in our team for this very purpose, for example our colleague Mario Batusic. Batusic, himself blind, has been working at Mindbreeze as an Accessibility Expert since 2011", says Jakob Praher, CTO of Mindbreeze.


Mindbreeze InSpire, the European enterprise search appliance, performs enterprise search and analysis of information, both from corporate data as well as from the cloud. The appliance transforms the mass of big data into efficiently searchable information which can be intelligently and semantically linked. The user receives a consolidated and up-to-the-minute view of any given topic, for example a business transaction, customer or product. This capability is achieved through self-learning semantic analyses and intelligently linked information.


* Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance 2.0 (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung 2.0)


The Pfennigparade Foundation

The Pfennigparade Foundation, founded during the polio epidemic of the early 50’s, today comprises 14 subsidiaries and is one of the largest rehabilitation centers for people with physical disabilities. Their objective is to assist people with disabilities in creating a full and active life, and to strengthen the independence of each affected individual. Pfennigparade offers a broad spectrum of services to meet and address the wide range of individual needs and issues. Over 3,000 people with and without disabilities are brought together in the foundation's own kindergartens, schools, in the workplace and in everyday life.


This is also reflected in the variety of services offered in the workshops. According to the severity of disability and the qualifications, co-workers offer services ranging from manual work in arts and crafts, garden work, direct marketing, IT expertise, technical and clerical work. In many cases, long-term, strategic partnerships have developed with clients, corporate groups and medium-sized enterprises working with Pfennigparade.
Pfennigparade’s OpenWebServices team are renown nationwide for their exemplary expertise in the field of barrier-free communication and information.