Mindbreeze InSpire Training

Duration: 5 days
  • Day 1 to 4: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm local time
  • Day 5: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm local time
  • Online Trainings:
    • Time for all online trainings:
      Day 1 to 4: 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm CEST, Day 5: 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm CEST
Price per day:
  • Linz, Austria or Online: EUR 900.- (excl. VAT) per person
  • Chicago, USA or Online: USD 1,400,- (excl. VAT) per person
Number of praticipants: min. 5 people
Levels: Basic, Advanced, Development, 360-Degree View
Language: English
Documentation: Training documents and examples from the training will be made available in a Fabasoft Cloud Teamroom. You should therefore have a Fabasoft Cloud account before the start of the training.
Recommended know-how: HTML, CSS, Java Script, Java, XPATH, XML, Regular Expressions (Regex), Mustache Templates, Bootstrap

Venue Austria:
Mindbreeze GmbH
Honauerstrasse 4
4020 Linz, Austria

Venue USA:
Mindbreeze Corp.
311 West Monroe St, Suite 303
Chicago, Illinois, 60601, USA

Day 1: Basic Training

Come and learn directly from the Mindbreeze experts all about the major innovations of Mindbreeze InSpire. You are welcome to participate in the Mindbreeze training in Linz or Chicago. We are looking forward to your attendance.

In this course you will become familiar with the world of Mindbreeze. The concepts behind the powerful technology will be presented as well as various use cases. First steps towards installation and configuration can be tested on our modern training equipment under the guidance of a Mindbreeze expert.

This training includes the basics for the proper handling of Mindbreeze solutions focusing on the Mindbreeze software. Participation in this basic training is required for the further trainings about Mindbreeze products and technologies (Advanced and Development Trainings).

  • Introduction
    Product overview, Big Picture
    Project Guide
    Use cases
  • Operation
    Architecture and major considerations
    Data security
    Requirements for operation
  • Configuration
    Management Center
    Connecting data sources
  • Use Cases (Standard Client)
    Query language
    End-user use cases
    Search-driven BI

Day 2 and 3: Advanced Training

This training includes the advanced configuration for the proper handling of Mindbreeze solutions focusing on the Mindbreeze InSpire software.

The Advanced Training concentrates on how to deal with advanced features, use cases and configuration of Mindbreeze InSpire.

  • Semantics & Content Enrichment
    Extraction of relevant data from already indexed content
    Translation of metadata and content
    Mapping Hierachies
    Understanding logical aggregations of content
  • Operation & Maintenance
    Failover / Backup & Recovery
  • Infrastructure Scenarios
    Typical and often used infrastructure scenarios

Day 4: Administration & Development Training

The Advanced Training concentrates on how to deal with Mindbreeze from the perspective of the administration and/or management. The focus is on highly scalable, fail-safe system environments, SSO authentication and best practices for troubleshooting.

In the Development training you will learn how a third-party application is connected to Mindbreeze and how the integration of the Mindbreeze Embedded Client into an existing web-based application works. For the development the Mindbreeze SDK is used. Furthermore, it will be shown, how standard data sources can be added per Talend Open Studio.

  • Search Apps
    Query language
    Search App Designer
    Integrating Search Apps
  • Single Sign On
    Usage scenarios
  • Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting with Fabasoft app.telemetry (end-to-end monitoring, software telemetry etc.)
  • Introduction to the Mindbreeze InSpire SDK
  • Development
    Overview about plugin development
    Implementation of the security model
    Expertise on Mindbreeze InSpire SDK (e.g. JSON Interface, Search UI Snippets, ...)
  • Extended Use Cases
    Category, Category Instances and SearchIn Constraints
    SubQuery mechanisms
    Actionable Information

Day 5: 360-Degree View Workshop

As an enterprise search solution, Mindbreeze InSpire identifies and understands the coherencies between data from different systems (CRM, DM, file shares, email systems, ticket systems, etc.). With a single search query in Mindbreeze, for example sales, accounts, or management personnel can retrieve all existing information for a customer or a business transaction.

Working with Mindbreeze InSpire in the Training Environment:

  • Finalizing any open course content from the training week
  • Elaboration of your own use case in groups
  • Practicing the learned training contents (Crawler, Semantics, UI, ...)


If more people in your company are participating in the training,
they must register individually.

Insert image or link.
I register for the following trainings: *

Please arrange with academy@mindbreeze.com before registering for an individual training.

Required for online training:

Required for on-site training:

Our trainer needs:

  • Full Internet access (no blocked https sites with the subdomain *.fabasoft.com)
  • At least 10 MBit/s Up/Down for all participants to prevent lags
  • VGA/HDMI/DVI-Connector for presentation (resolution at least 1080p)

Address of your premises:

Attention: Please bring your own notebook (no tablet) with you to the training. Make sure it has a modern browser that can connect to the Mindbreeze Academy.
Here you can test the connection: https://academy.mindbreeze.com
(Connection OK if login window with Mindbreeze logo is displayed).

Attention: The training from May 6 - 10, 2019 will take place in Vienna. Address: Laxenburger Strasse 2, 6th floor, 1100 Vienna

Billing Address: *

We will process your personal data for the purpose of handling your request and will contact you accordingly by email. For more information on how we process your data and how you can cancel the receipt of information, see our privacy policy.

Additional information